We’ve taken the best from hospitality in hotels and Airbnb Philosophy (freedom, welcome) in an unique concept. We want people to experience the pleasures of life during their stay with us, live a dream and wish to never leave The Emerald…
The Emerald by Urbanium Concept
Zatecka 17/7, 110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
+420 602 666 982
[email protected]
Ready for your projects

The flats on this floor will tease your imagination. They will make you believe that everything is possible if you listen to your most inner wishes and thoughts. The vintage furniture and original wallpapers create the perfect atmosphere for romantic dreaming. Here, you can make it come true.
Inspired by Japanese Haiku artist Matsuo Bashō and the Japanese word for “place”. It’s a place where nature rules and one feels calm yet intellectually stimulated by it. A place where things are exactly what they are but experiencing them can change how you feel about them.
Invites you to spend time surrounded by art and design in an in an informal, relaxed and inspiring setting. It’s a space where every time you look around a new feeling is born a new connection arises.
Draws inspiration from things that are “timeless” and grounded in the very fabric of the Universe. The design tells the story of the house, to create different snapshots of time, and the journey it inspires.
Influenced by the belief that pleasure is the highest good, the design should remind you of a place where poets and artist spent time with their muses, where every detail awakens imagination and time is not important.
Influenced by the belief that pleasure is the highest good, the
design should remind you of a place where poets and artist
spent time with their muses, where every detail awakens
imagination and time is not important.